Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Mother Nature's Disposition

She don't mind, she don't care.

All the active irresponsibility I've taken this semester has stacked up and it's finally falling over on me. I'm okay with that really, and I'll be especially okay tomorrow. Even after 8pm I'll be alright. But right now it doesn't feel great, this sort of business goes against my grain and it's finally showing. It's hard to feel free when everyone feels entitled to so many hours of your day, hours that you signed away unknowingly for a pittance. At this point I'll be glad to just sleep it off tonight, and by tomorrow I'll realize that this was really the final cut between me and my mistaken path. I feel good about everything else but the worst part of an unnecessary burden is the point when you stand up to drop it. Then I'll operate clean again.

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